Custom US Dollar Ring

This ring is fairly special, tailored entirely to one person. I made it as a birthday present for my best friend who lives overseas. My friend is born in 1996 in Maryland and currently lives in Pennsylvania. He told me his family fought on both sides of the Civil war.
I went and ordered a few coins to represent that. First, a State quarter dollar of Maryland, with one from Pennsylvania on the other side, on top of that is a nickel from 1996, with the Date pointing to the Maryland quarter. And on top of that, is a wheat penny from the year 1863. the year from the battle of Gettysburg. Finalt I made sure to make it look weathered and old to fit the Cival war theme of the top coin!

Well made and well designed, it’s a very sentimental peace and very personal to me. I love it and can’t say enough good about it
— Nick Tyler


Greek Ring


Japanese Yen Ring